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Historically, fish soup originated from Shantou, China. A seaside town where freshness is everything to a cuisine. The Chinese immigrant communities in the early 19th century made it popular throughout Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It became a Teochew speciality dish that was spread throughout Southeast Asia.  

Here at Fishpot, we introduce this traditional dish with a modern twist. Our signature soup is a labour of love, a nourishing result of a 15-hour slow cooking process that teases out the collagen and omega-3 in the fish and free range chicken. This umami-rich soup features flavours of the ocean in every bowl, making it a perfect base to enjoy with fresh seafood, premium Wagyu and vegetables.

鱼锅起源于18世纪的中国海滨城市汕头,当地的渔夫会用刚捕获的活鱼来煮汤充饥,快捷,营养又美味。这种烹饪方法经过之后几代人的传承和改良,造就出了风味独特的鱼锅,成为潮汕地区的特色美食,鱼锅的每一次的传承和改良都承载和浓缩了那个时代的特色,文化和风土人情。 19世纪初,随着大量的华人移民至新加坡,马来西亚,印尼及泰国等地,鱼锅做为一种特有的潮汕美食,被带到了东南亚及世界各地。

“一鲜鱼锅” 把传统的潮汕鱼锅带到了澳洲,并结合本土食材再一次进行了改良。新鲜鱼获与鸡骨超过15小时的熬煮,并辅以澳洲特有的龙虾,鲍鱼,和牛和当季时蔬,让鱼的鲜甜和鸡骨中的胶原蛋白在汤中彻底释放,再加上主厨的秘制调味,新鲜,美味,健康,“一鲜鱼锅”的每一口鱼汤都会是您难忘的美食体验。